Is Addiction a Disease? Many people reject the disease model of addiction. In their view, the disease model gives addicts and alcoholics a free pass: “I can’t help it! I’ve got a disease! I don’t have to take responsibility!” This...
When a substance and/or alcohol dependent patient has achieved and maintained some Recovery time, the issue often comes up: when is it appropriate to disclose this MEDICAL condition (addiction) to others? I stress the word “medical” because disclosure of addiction...
Sponsorship, as described in the Twelve Step programs, has become a vital and important concept in the age of the Covid-19 pandemic. It may not be possible to attend live meetings for the time being but it should be possible...
These are difficult times for recovering addicts and alcoholics. Isolation (both physical and psychological) are at an all-time high. 12-step meetings have been shut down. Relapses on alcohol and drugs are on the rise (both statistically and in terms of...
12-step meetings don’t always offer you direct feedback or advice. However sponsors (if sought) can offer you direct one-on-one feedback. In my opinion, this is one of the most potentially beneficial features of the Twelve Step programs. This type of...
After a short period of abstinence, almost every substance-dependent patient asks this question: “Can I ever drink like a normal person?” Although statistically there will always be exceptions to any rule, it is my experience and that of my recovering...
There are instances when opiate medications are required to control severe, acute pain (e.g. dental procedures, kidney stones…). How can these pain killers be used safely in recovering addicts? First and foremost, the recovering addict needs to establish excellent communication...
Health care professionals often take much more time off work in the treatment of their addiction than other professionals. This is because of the particular intellectual challenges of the profession, as well as the dangers awaiting health professionals in the...
Abstinence refers to complete avoidance of all mood-altering substances in Recovery. Harm Reduction, on the other hand, has often come to mean: the substitution or “replacement” of a toxic addictive substance with a less dangerous but analogous prescribed medication. Recently,...
I recently read a very interesting article in the Windsor Star: “ ‘Not your regular coffee shop’ – Windsor’s ‘sober’ bar for recovering addicts gaining attention” by Sharon Hill March 21st, 2019. Spiritual Soldiers Coffee Compound in Windsor, ON has...