The Seven Deadly Sins
Socrates said: “an unexamined life is not worth living”. Steps 4 to 7 of A.A. and N.A. invite us to examine ourselves in order to prevent the spiritual void of the Dry Drunk Syndrome (see Blog 43). Particularly the Sixth...
Socrates said: “an unexamined life is not worth living”. Steps 4 to 7 of A.A. and N.A. invite us to examine ourselves in order to prevent the spiritual void of the Dry Drunk Syndrome (see Blog 43). Particularly the Sixth...
Addicts/alcoholics cannot afford resentments in Recovery. The Big Book of A.A. is very clear about this. Unbridled resentments often lead to a relapse. What is a resentment? It is a recurring bad feeling of self-pity and anger, of having been...
Post-acute withdrawal syndrome (P.A.W.S.) is a constellation of symptoms, mostly of a psychological nature, but also characterized by physical symptoms, such as headaches, nausea, irritable bowels, menstrual irregularities and exacerbations of fibromyalgia, lasting sometimes up to two years and occurring...
Others do not always forgive us. It is therefore important in Recovery to learn to forgive ourselves. This is a healing process. It begins with personal change. We can forgive ourselves in Recovery only if we have first changed our...
Getting rid of resentments and forgiving others are not the same things. While it is always necessary to get rid of resentments in Recovery, it may not be always be possible to forgive. Many years ago, it was pointed out...
Actual forgiveness from others MAY come after an initial rapprochement (see Blog 49). After having acquired some sober/clean time, it is only natural that we should hope for forgiveness from some of the people we have harmed. (This will not...
Making amends (Steps 8 and 9) unfortunately does not guarantee forgiveness but it is necessary if reconciliation and forgiveness are to take place at all. Mending relationships (rapprochement) in Recovery is a multifaceted process; it requires humility and willingness to...
Substance use and addiction are maladaptive “solutions” to the restrictions and limitations life confronts us with. A better solution can be found in the cultivation of creativity in Recovery. Active addiction ultimately “dumbs us down” – intellectually, spiritually and creatively....
A stigma is a negative judgment imposed by others. For the purposes of this blog, I will discuss stigma as it relates only to addicts and alcoholics. As such, a stigma is an opinion based on society’s ignorance and fear...
These days it is not uncommon to hear nurses in the acute medicine unit complain that they are abused by the hospital administration, harassed by patients and the patients’ families, that there is no or minimal support staff and that...
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